Nefertyti stands one leg on the futuristic pyramid, and the other on Chicago House. The horizon contains naive acid and electropopic honesty. Nefertyti is a project of Toimi Tytti, a Helsinki based radio host DJ.
Musician and composer Jimi Tenor has never settled for the traditional role of a pop artist. He is known as a productive musician whose work lies beyond current trends, and also as a performer who combines the finest elements of afro-american music, spontaneous silliness and shameless glamour in an original way.
Tenor is an established European artist who operates outside the mainstream. His audience consists of clubbers and alternative rock enthusiasts looking for new perspective, but also of jazz and funk rebels.
Jimi Tenor and Nefertyti have played electronic gigs in Helsinki, Berlin and Stockholm. Their performance combines electronic dance floor experiments and fresh arrangements of songs by both artists.
LIVE 20-00
Kvällen, inklusive upp-och-nedvärmnings musik av Anna och Anette, är kurerad av den eminente Liisa Tolonen